Health services in Sunderland made easy...
We hope you find the information on this website useful and that it helps you to understand lots of information about being healthy.
The sections include what might happen when you go to the doctor’s for example and having an annual health check.
You will find lots of information about visiting and staying in hospital.
The website will tell you about community learning disability teams and how they can help you.
Health professionals will be able to make letters to send to you that are easier for you to understand. Your doctor will be able to give you a copy of your health action plan in an easy to understand way.
The site will continue to add new information so keep having a look!
If you would like us to include information about your service and how you might like to make it easier to understand please let us know.
We would like to say a huge thank you to Gillian Jackson and members of the patient advisory group who are based at Washington Resource Centre for all of their hard work and making sure then information is good and useful to people.
We would also like to say thank you to Sunderland Clinical Commissioning Group who provided the funds to make it!