People who have a learning disability might need help and advice so they can find out about staying healthy. This might include eating a good diet, not smoking, taking exercise or having support if you don’t feel well.
In this section you can find some health checklists about lots of different things to stay healthy which includes your hearing, your eye sight, good dental care and looking after your feet. Please have a look at them to find out more.
There are also easy read health action plans that your GP or nurse can complete after your annual health check and print off so for you, so you know what areas of your health you may need help with. Sometimes your GP might use a different plan but the important thing is they all help you to remain healthy.
All GP practices in Sunderland have been learning about the importance of giving you a health action plan so please ask for one at the end of your annual health check and other appointments.
The North East North Cumbria Stop People Dying Too Young group have developed a training resource for professionals, […]
We are delighted to let you know that Sunderland People First and Health Watch Sunderland have been working […]